Doug Reaves
1 min readOct 23, 2020

The color pallet of human emotion is vast and diverse. Fear, guilt, anger, excitement, lust and even joy are all components of a greater collective that create the construct for each of our own unique individual personalities. Only when we can accept the faults and failures within these emotions in another person can we truly identify a feeling of love. Love is challenge. Love is a marathon being run on a poor mans diet. The finish line is nothing more than an apparition unless there is a willingness of a partner to aid in the encouragement of every stride. Love is a dedication to being resolute to a feeling that starts in the heart and travels to every extremity in the body creating a constant wave of consolatory exhilaration. Love is unwavering. When the tides of an angry ocean swallow the streets of the callous mob, it is love that will be left to stand resilient against the extinction of morality. Love is a collaboration of two unique personalities with unparalleled sensibilities. Love cannot be stumbled upon or manufactured falsely within a technological algorithm. Love is the result of having an open mind that is willing to learn from the sincerity of a persons heart. To love and to be loved is a gift so great that our capacity of comprehension on the subject is our greatest inadequacy.

